Tuesday 3 November 2015

Thriller Sub genres

What is a thriller?

Thriller Film is a genre that goes around the idea of suspense. The aim for thrillers is to keep the audience alert at all times, making sure that their at the edge of their seat waiting to find out what hapens next. Thiller tend to usually have a protagonist who is set against a problem. No matter what sub-genre it will tend to consist of danger the protagonist against the antagonists this may involve fights throughout. Throughout a thriller film it will always end up leading to a highly stressful climax.

Action Thriller
focuses on the action segment which mainly consists of explosions and violence.

Crime Thriller
This subgenre focuses on crime, it tends to be from the criminal’s point of view. Physical action and involves the police tracking the event. It mainly consists of gathering evidence and trying to find out who the criminal is.

Disaster Thriller
In this subgenre a  natural disaster occurs,  the antagonist is either trying to stop the disaster, the extent of the disaster, or just save themselves before time runs out and the disaster has run its course.

Forensic Thriller
In this subgenre the protagonist tends to be a forensic scientists who is involved in a unsolved crime threatens which their lives.

Legal Thriller
This subgenre takes place in and around the courtroom. The protagonist is a lawyer who has found their case threatening death for either them or their client.

Medical Thriller
This subgenre involves something usually used for medical purposes becoming a deadly weapon. It usually tends to be a  virus leaking out to the public. The protagonist, antagonist or they are both  doctors.

Political Thriller
In this subgenre political relations or the whole government is at stake, and the protagonist is employed by the government to stop the decline. The protagonist may have been low-level before having attracted attention.

Psychological Thriller
 In this subgenre a lot of there is a lot of mental conflict rather than physical. The protagonist has become involved in a dangerous situation which literally threatens their sanity. They must use mental prowess to overcome their opponent, whether the battle is inside their own head or it a battle of wits.

Romantic Thriller
This is a subgenre of both thrillers and romantic novels. The plot line follows a typical thriller’s tension, suspense, and excitement, but a main element is the growing relationship between two characters.

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