Tuesday 10 November 2015

Cast List

Arthur Banks (Played by Mansour Aetekal)


Arthur banks is a man in his middle age who is young and entrepreneurial. He is a male who fits the illustration of someone who is very straight forward and demanding. He is very stern when addressing certain problems that concern him. As a character from the upper class, he is portrayed as the protagonist in the film even though his physical size isn’t very big. We intended to make him look like a dominant character however we couldn’t get a 30-year-old person to star in our thriller therefore we had to use a group member.

Mansour Aetekal

It is clearly obvious that a 16-year-old would not pass of as a 30-year-old therefore Mansour had to do lots of different things in order to convince the audience of his character. Firstly, Arthur Banks is described as a rich and powerful character, as a result Mansour had to act very upper class, this would include an upright posture, a mature and professional walk, his suit would also have to be perfect as this would illustrate his seriousness about every situation. As a serious character, Mansour would also have to be less fidgety with his body, this means he should not unnecessarily play or get distracted by anything as this would then contradict his ability to be stern and harsh. Mansours hair would have to be combed to the side, this is because messy hair would portray a sense of irresponsibility and is also unhygienic. His shoes would have to be black along with his suit, both colours of different clothing will portray a good sense of understanding and coordination as the colours match with each other successfully. As an older character, for Mansour to effectively act as a 30-year-old, he would need to be very mature and severe. This means he should act accordingly with the script, no smiling or grinning as this can be mistaken for a sign of weakness or kindness, two factors that of which Arthur does not grasp within his personality. Mansour would be able to carry out this specific character effectively by using and considering these techniques.  

Marcus Smith (Played by Michael Ekanem)


Marcus Smith is a Black British character who is the main protagonist. This particular character is seen to be at the centre of everything in our thriller piece as the rest of the thriller film is based on his retribution. Marcus is very happily married character until there is a sudden unbalance within the films equilibrium which is the death of his pregnant wife. We intended Marcus to look like a 24-year-old as by this age he would have normally been finished with university however he seems to be a character who wanted to start a family very early on in life as 24 years old isn’t the ideal age for men to have children. For this particular character we had used another group member as we couldn’t reach a 24-year-old character to play this role.

Michael Ekanem

Michael would have to consider many particular characteristics and personas in order to carry out his character as a married 24-year-old, Firstly, this character would be easier to portray using Michael as the age difference is only 8 years. Another advantage that we had is that Michael is taller than 6 foot therefore he would pass off as a fully grown adult in reference to 24-year-old Marcus Smith. Although Michael looks older and matches Marcuse’s age he would also need to portray his age through his mentality. Michael would also need to act mature as an adult, this could include having more controlled characteristics, for example, when walking he would walk straight forward instead of skipping in between like a child as this would go against the conventions of his character. Another example, could also be his personality. He should act seriously in all situation’s instead of laughing pointlessly like a toddler, this would truly portray and bring out the realism in his character. It is also intended that he dress normally, this means not being too classy and not being too scruffy. Casual clothes will show that he is a normal everyday adult, Marcus is a married man, therefore he must illustrate a certain sense of responsibility. By showing this he could always be aware of his surroundings, this could mean checking the proximity of his body to show his excellent reactions and awareness while walking. Marcus will also need to show his wife some physical affection as this would portray his husband like character who is loving and caring towards his wife, this could simply go from a hug to an arm around the shoulder. Overall, for Michael to truly show his character he will need to consider these key factors that will shape his character as Marcus Smith.
Sara Smith (Played by Jade Matthews)

Age: 22

Sara Smith is a young white British female adult who is married to her husband Marcus Smith. Sara is a secretive character and the reason for this is that she has been doing business with Arthur Banks. She is also an innocent but desperate women as she is unable to pay Arthurs loan back but is also newly pregnant. Sara goes by the normal convention of having a female victim as she is the one who is murdered in cold blood. Sara is played by our 3rd group member as we couldn’t find a 22-year-old character.

Jade Matthews
In order for Jade to successfully portray her character correctly she would need to take in some considerations. Firstly, as a married 22-year-old, Jade would have to show a lot of love towards her partner Marcus, by doing this should would hug him and use specific lines of dialogue that would illustrate care and affection, for example, “I love you Marcus” which is included in the script on purpose. The outcome of this would be an accurate representation of a young married women. Jade would also need to show psychologically that she is capable of maintaining a mature and healthy relationship, by portraying this to viewers Jade could act like a calm and down to earth person, by doing this she could lower her tone of voice to show a sense of serenity, this would also emphasis that she is pregnant so therefore it is important for her to act sensibly. Jade would also need to dress casually to portray the adult age of her character, if she were to dress inappropriately she would not seem to be a mature adult which contradicts her character as a whole. To act like a normal adult Jade should show Sara to be a weak character as she is the victim, to this Jade could scream a lot during her murder as this would portray isolation to a certain extent as she is dependent on someone else to help her. Overall, all characters have to take in important considerations in order to fully portray each characters true identity.


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