Tuesday 3 November 2015

Story Board one

This is the first opening scene of the story. In this scene we see someone walking toqards a grave yard. This is a long shot during a scene like this it would be appropriate to have no music and just the sounds of the footsteps. The transition to the next scene would be fading in.

This scene is where the protagonist Marcus Smith has come to the grave yard to remember his wife Sara Smith who died 10 years ago. During this scene we will hear the depressing music which will be extremley subtle and emphasise how he feels about her wife. This is also a longshot and it will be a cut away transition into the next scene.

In this scene we see the protagonist Marcus Smith upet, broken about his wife's death. After 10 years remembering his wife is hard without breaking a part. This scene will have no background music at all to emphasise how broken he is. This is a close up shot and it will be a cutaway shot into the next scene.

This scene consists of the protagonist Marcus Smith remember the antagonist Arthur Banks. Arthut killed Marcus's wife 10 years ago. The antagonist is a wealthy man, always wore a suit. This will be a long shot of various pictures which remind Marcus of Arthur. There will be tense music at this point and will fade into the next scene.

This scene is about Marcus smith having a flash back of the night that his wife Sara died. This is a long shot and will also have tense music. This will fade into the next scene.

This is also a long shot of Marcus smith remembering the day of his wife's dearh. This is a long shot and there is sad subtle music playing in the background maybe a few minor chords on piano. It would fade into the next scene.

This scene is Marcus Smith thinking back to Sara's death. This thought breaks Marcus a part, he can't hold in his emotions. At this point we would hear sounds of the wind to emphasise how much this gets to him. This is a close up and would have a cut away transition.

In this scene we see the anger has got to Marcus and he is trying to track down Arthur. He believes that his sister justice and tries to track down the antagonist. This is a close up shot of the phone aand we will be hearing tense music and will be a cut away transition.

As the protagonist was trying to track down Arthur he eventually found his exact location, the protagonisr follows him around town to see his daily timetable.This would be a long shot, tense/dramatic music and a cut away transition.

This scene shows that Marcus has been following Arthur around for weeks. This would be a close up shot. this would contain tense music and a dissolving transition.

This scene shows the protagonist Marcus following Arthur the antagonist. This scene shows them heading into the park alone at night. we will hear the owl hooting and it will be a long shot and a cut away transition.

In this scene we see Marcus sneaks behind Arthur's back and then Marcus puts a gun to Arthur's head. There would be dramatic music, medium shot and a dissolving transition.

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