Tuesday 3 November 2015

Focus Group & animatic story board

Animatic story board (story board 2):  

focus group:

To view what happened at the focus group press the link below


what happened in the focus group:

The focus group was a year nine class which is mainly aged 15 year olds. We first wanted to see what their idea of a thriller was.When we went to the focus group we found out things which we could improve from our first story board. The first thing that we found out was that our ending doesn't make sense from one of the pupils. One part in the focus group which we were told that didn't make sense was why did Marcus wait 10 years for his revenge on Arthur, so we decided to change it and show what had actually happened to Sara Smith. Our orginal ending was to have Marcus Smith to put a gun to Arthur Bank's head. So we changed it so that we don't see the whole story line which was what was originally planned. However now we are changing it so that the ending is when Marcus Smith sees his wife Sara Smith fall to her death and he just cant believe what he just saw. This ending will allow the audience to finish what could happen.

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