Friday 6 November 2015

Film Poster analysis

Thriller movie poster analysis

This poster has been printed using desktop publishing. The portrait movie poster of 'The Third Man' draws the audience's attention by it's eye-catchy, colourless title graphics because a colourless poster emphasises the darkness of the movie and tells the audience what the movie's genre is, just by the colour used in this poster, a thriller. The title graphics are 3/4 white and 1/4 black. Black symbolises evil, sorrow, death whereas white symbolises good, joy, life. The title graphics foreshadows the movie will portray good and bad fighting against each other and the amount of colours been used on the title graphics shows how much times good or bad side will win. The target audience is mostly likely to be adults, preferably middle aged adults onwards rather than other age groups because

The key images been used on the poster is a man with a hard expression in his face. The colours been used in his face are black and white and there is a significantly more about of black on his face than there is white. This could tell the audience that he's 'The Third Man', the person who seems to be the villain in the movie that cannot be trusted. This image is been used because it's made to confuse the audience to thinking this person been used on the poster is the bad guy. The poster wants people to think differently to what will actually happen in the movie, the poster wants to draw the audience in by exaggerating what will actually happen in the movie, which will create tension in the audience's mind as into what will actually happen.

The purpose of this poster to be presented into this way is to trick the audience into thinking something completely different to what the movie will actually be like. The most important colours and the only colours really that are used in the poster are white and black. These colours are significant because it tells the audience that they'll be a constant fight between the force of good and evil throughout the movie. They were chosen so the audience knows more about the movie without giving too much away by displaying neutral colours. The poster makes me think the movie,by judging by the character's emotionless facial expression and titled head, will be about a man who has gone through some trouble and is tracking down the person who had done so.

The positioning of the character seems to be slanted and his head is diagonally opposite the edge of the poster shows that he feels scared and intimidated in some way. There is probably something right in front of you that he is trying to hide from or someone he is going to kill that happens to be close to him. There isn't an enigma being presented in the poster.This picture has two pictures made into one, the first picture is the picture at the back and the second picture is the picture of the man. The background picture looks very spooky and makes it seem more horror like, like there is someone inhumane coming to get him and the second picture is the man himself. The man, who happens to be the main character of the movie(all posters display main characters or the most significant main character in the poster). The key image is a still image from the film, it is part of one of the most intense scenes in the movie.

This poster tells us there will be lots of action, the genre is thriller and the attitude of the film will be very negative, all of this came from the colours that was used in the poster itself and the character's facial expressions. There isn't a catch or tagline in the poster. The poster didn't list a website because it has made in the 20th century and websites didn't exist then. There isn't a certificate. The poster includes the credits and information. The poster displays people's names in the right hand side going down with a white font as it shows these are the good people in the movie who fight the bad. The written text does indicate the target audience by the font of the writing of 'The Third Man' is very organised and neat, which adults normally are. But if it was suitable for children then the font would be messy and unorganised.

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