Friday 4 December 2015

Gender Representation

How a male is represented towards the audience:

  • Men are shown to always be in control of the situation shown from a building being made to a robbery.
  • In a thriller the main character are shown to be young if not they are shown to be energetic in some way.
  • Darker raced men are usually portrayed to be the antagonist , the one who always seems to try and make everyone else unhappy.
  • Always seem to have a good physique, having lots of muscle as well as slim, they never show a man to be fat.
  • Portrayed to be physically attractive as well as self centered. 
  • Older men usually shown to go after women much younger than them

How a female is represented towards the audience:

  • The female always tends to be the helpless victim
  • seem to have the ideal body 
  • They never show a women to be fat or look different to a flat stomach and perfect skin
  • seem to exaggerate a lot
  • seem to get dragged into problems and always seem to be in the middle of the problems 
  • Everyone usually seems to love her

 Gender representation shown in thriller openings

  • Brick had shown the male to be strange as well as other expected features such as him being strong and confident. As per usual they had shown the female character to be the victim who had been shown to be weak and vulnerable. It almost made it seem as the women wasn't treated as a human but she was treated as an object. This shows how little power women are shown to have in a thriller.
  • The next opening which I had looked into was the opening of 'Donnie Darko'. In this opening we don't really see any gender representations. As throughout this opening we see a strange man who is portrayed to be lost and confused towards the audience. However when then see the stereotype broken as the man is shown to be helpless rather than the women. Later on we see the man riding his bike which improves his confidence some how.
  •  The third clip which I looked into was 'drive'. In this clip we don't see any women again like Donnie Darko. In this clip we see that the male is shown to be the dominate character however he is shown to to be a lonely person.
  •  The next one that I watched was 'heat' this showed men to be secretive as well as dangerous they are shown to be focusing on a particular task. They are seen to be working towards a certain goal however we don't see any any women again.
  • The last opening that I saw was 'TTSS' this showed that they had strong trust issues. However women were shown to be caring.
  • The next opening which I looked into was 'Leon'. The man had shown to be strong, encouraging as well as mysterious. There was a part when we some the men having a talk with eachother however we saw no women suggesting that they are not important enough to be involved. 
  • The next one was 'millers crossing'  shows against the stereotyping of men, they are of a low status no women are to be seen 

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