Sunday 11 October 2015

Regulations research and justification (BBFC)

Film Classification

The role of the BBFC is to rate films so that they are suited to the correct age group and suited for those viewers. This is so when the film is released it is suitable for the viewers for which rating the BBFC have agreed to rate it.

THE MAZE RUNNER <span>(2014)</span> artwork

The Maze Runner is a action thriller, it has a rating of 15.This piece of work has been rated 15 due to the fact that there is violence, strong threats and intense scenes. There are versions of this film that have been cut this have have been because with these scenes it wouldn't be accessable to their target audience as this have have increased the age rating.

JURASSIC WORLD <span>(2015)</span> artwork

Jurassic World is also a action thriller film however it has a age rating of 12. This movie was not cut at all due to the fact that they fully understood ther target audience, it only has slight bits of gory which means it is suitable for younger viewers even though its an action thriller.

FAST & FURIOUS 7 <span>(2015)</span> artwork

Fast & Furious 7 is rated 12 which is also an action thriller. They have a series of movies and now that they understand their target audience they were able to use the whole piece they produced it went uncut. The reason the BBFC have rated it 12 is because it only contains moderate bad violence and bad language.

Classification for our film 

Based on the fact that our sub genre of thriller considering some of the codes and conventions we will be using like violence, fake weapons such as guns and may be using male/female victims i believe our piece could be rated from 15 and above. As well as the use of a child victim as it wouldn't be appropriate for a such as young as 12 to view something like that.

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