Tuesday 13 October 2015

Recreating shots

Recreating shots
These are both high angle shots, in both of these shots which are high angle shots they can help us to understand the the characters personality. From a shot like this we can understand if the character is innocent or not. On the left is our recreation of the shot on the right. As you can see in our recreated shot the high angle shot can show a character to be quite vulnerable, this can also allow the audience to understand the importance of a particular scene. In this case in our recreation the character looks harmless and distracted of something else which is happening around her. A high angle shot is usually shot at a slightly higher level than the character to emphasise the scene.


These are extreme close up shots, these types of shots tend to zoom into a certain feature or an object for a dramatic affect or its importance. In out recreation of an extreme close up on the left, the camera has completely zoomed into the characters eye. By doing this it can lead to many messages of what the character is feeling such as misery, anger or happiness, its suppose to create an intense feeling. When the eye is crystal clear it allows the audience to see all the small details such as reflections which can lead to a characters backstory that could also be quite deep. These shots allow the audience to have a better insight on the characters feeling and thoughts.

These are both medium shots, medium shots are taken from the waist and above. A medium shot is usually used to show two people having a conversation the topics can vary from something serious or just general. Some diaglogues can be quite physical such as if the two characters are arguing. However in our recreation which is the shot on the left shows a calm dialogue between two, we can tell that they are in a relationship through their eye contact, the eye contact makes it easy for the audience to understand that the two people who are in the shot are in love. As there aren't many things featured in the background the shot focuses more on the two characters allowing the audience to understand the care they have for eachother as well as their connection with each other.

These are close up shots. Our recreation on the left of the shot on the right is a recreation of a shadowed man figure. The shot on the right show to be someone quite harmful as they are a shadowed figure and looks if they are holding a harmful object.  In our recreation which is shown in the shot of the left, we tried to recreate the violent and aggresive aspect of the orginal shot. In our recreation the character's face is hidden in the sunlight so it is not clear giving it a more tense feeling, it also makes the mystery aspect more intense. Overall this is an affective shot because its only showing what the character's doing and not what is is happening to whoever may be below.

These shots are low angle shots. These shots look up towards the character/s which may make them seem more powerful in some situtaions however it can also show them being depressed. Our recreation which is the shot on the left  shows our character being more upset rather than looking powerful. As we can see on the left in our recreation the character is holding some papers which may portray a message of him being confused or in shock of was is/has happened. In a low angle shot the backgrounf tends to be very simple so the character is the main part which is shown in our recreation shot. This allows the audience to see the importance of the character and able to see how the character is feeling.

This is also a medium shot. This is a recognisable pose which is featured in the film Rocky. The shot on the right is the original shot from the film Rocky. In our recreation which is on the left we have tried to recreate the inconic pose. A medium shot for this allows the audience to focus on the character as that is what takes up most of the shot. By the character having his fist in the air is allows the audience to understand that character feels powerful which we understand from the pose. The pose makes it seems that the character has accomplished a difficult goal. The shot is shown to be affective in many ways. This includes things like the simplicty of having a fist in the air as well having a plain background having all of the focus on the character.

These are also close up shots, these close up shots focus on showing that the two characters care for each other in some way. The shot on the right shows that they are in a strong and happy, we can see this from their emotions shown on their faces. A close up shot allows us to view this as the whole point of a close is to capture their emotions. Our recreation of the shot which is the one on the left shows that the two characters have a strong bond with each other, we can see this as one is leaning on the other and they both look happy.

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