Monday 12 October 2015


Questionnaire commentary


1.     What is your Gender?

·         Male

·         Female

2.      What is your Age group?

·         15-20

·         21-25

·         26-30

·         31-36

·         37+

3.     What sub-genre do you prefer with Thriller as the main genre?

·         Psychological

·         Action

·         Spy

·         Romance

·         Crime

·         Comedy

·         Other

4.      What is it about thriller movies that you like? Circle ones that apply.

·         Story

·         Soundtrack

·         Action

·         Special Effects

·         Other - Please specify here:

5.     What is it about thriller movies you don’t like? Circle one

·         Story

·         Soundtrack

·         Action

·         Special Effects

·         Other - Please specify here: __________________

6.     What time period do you prefer the film to be set in? Circle one

·         30s

·         40s

·         50s

·         60s

·         70s

·         80s

·         90s

·         2000s

·         The future

7.     Do you like Thrillers?

·         Yes  (Move on to question 7)

·         No (Move on to question 8)

8.     Who is your favourite thriller director?

·         Alfred Hitchcock

·         Nicholas Meyer

·         Don Siegel

·         Quentin Taratino

·         Steven Spielburg

·         Other – Please state here: ___________________

9.     If you were a thriller director, what would you put in your own movie? State four things. E.g. Cars, Guns, Explosions and Relationships

·         __________________________

·         __________________________

·         __________________________

·         __________________________

10.   What setting do you prefer to be used for a thriller?


We will be asking 30 people a questionaire based on thriller movies. This will allow us to understand what kind of thrillers people are into. The questionnaire is an important part of our project as this will help us to understand what is needed for our thriller opening. This questionnaire will also give us more information on how we can interact with our target audience better which will help us with the opening making it more appealing for the target audience. These questions will allow us to find out what is wanted allowing us to develop more on our idea as we now have a better insight to what is being asked for.Through this we will be able to finalise an idea as we will have the answers from the viewers.

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