Friday 18 December 2015

Our Thriller Opening: Retribution

Media Evaluation - Question 7

In this question I will be talking about the differences between this task as well as the preliminary. I will be talking about the improvements which we have made and how we have developed with our skills to create our final cut of  thriller opening.

The first thing was the video camera the camera we used. The camera quality is extremely important as for the audience to review our thriller they would need a it to be of a decent quality so that they can enjoy every bit of the thriller. A clear quality will allow them to understand whats going on, no pixelated shot. In order to do this we had used a HD video camera.

In the  preliminary we have used an iPad which our teacher had given us to film the task. As we can see the iPad quality has shown to be quite grainy, we should be able to see the outline of the person below (on the left). There wasn't a way in which we could improve the lighting. However our final cut the HD video camera allowed us to increase the lighting if needed. This meant that even if the environment seemed dull it could be sorted. When looking at the final we can see that the images are a lot clearer. We can see this on the right (man with a gun).
Overall we had learned that using using a good video camera makes a huige impact on the final product it means that everything will be more clearly which will allow the audience to understand exactly whats going on.

The next thing was use of tripod. This made a huge impact on our final cut. As when we did our final cut it allowed us to take shots without any motion making the finish seem unprofessional. Having a tripod in the final meant that it would be more appealing for the audience as they would be able to focus without wonder why there is so much movement. However looking back at the preliminary we can see that not using a tripod meant there was motion in the shot which was not needed.  
Overall having a tripod was an advantage it meant that we could have a more professional finish to our piece. The tripod also had many other features which helped us through the process when filming our final cut.
Another thing which had been improved from the preliminary was the lighting. In the preliminary this had shown to be a difficult task as with an ipad we couldn't add more lighting to our piece and switching on class room lights weren't very helpful. In our final cut our video camera had a feature which allowed us to increase the lighing even with all the lights turned on. This meant that the characters could be seen more easily throughout. This feature had shown to be helpful in our final cut through all the outside.
Overall this effect allowed us to make our thriller opening the best quality possible this meant that the audience wouldn't have a problem when trying to see which character it is and what is exactly happening throughout the opening.
The final thing is continuity which in our preliminary hadn't been done very well when switching scenes it had shown to be quite different which didn't create the impact of continuity. This may have meant that the audience was getting confused. However in our final cut we had considered this slighly more which meant that the audience wouldn't get confused throughout the opening. Overall we have learned that continuity was important.
From our preliminary our skills and understanding has developed so we can make our final the best we possibly can. We have improved our skills so the overall end visual product will be clear. This will give it a professional finish. For the final cut the quality, effect of continuity and lighting has been improved.